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Take The Leap

Regina Stafford

 “It’s a terrible thing to see and have no vision”. Helen Keller

As people of faith, God wants us to partner with Him and dream big dreams. He wants us to do great things in His name and influence the world for the better. He’s given us gifts, abilities, resources, and the wisdom to do more than we could ever imagine. So what would stop us from considering some of the possibilities that we could accomplish if we took a “leap” of faith? Could it be we doubt what He’s put inside of us?  Could it be fear of failure? Being looked at as strange? Or, do we allow feelings of inadequacy to limit our vision?  Here’s the thing, we were not meant to accomplish a big “God-given” dream on our own. If there’s something tugging at our hearts to undertake, then He could be calling us to partner with Him to make it a reality. In many places in the bible, we see amazing feats done by people who had great challenges and who felt the least equipped. They were presented with the possibility of what could be if they chose to believe God and partner with Him. Some did and some didn’t. Those who did, understood by being at such a disadvantage, God had to come through on their behalf or else what they hoped to accomplish wasn’t happening. So it caused them to seek Him. A few examples can be found in Joshua 6, Genesis 17:17, and Exodus 14.  Each of these people understood how much God loved them, and how committed He was to them. They grasped that His plan was bigger than they could imagine, and He was inviting them to come on this journey with Him. All it required was a little bit of faith. Each time they saw God come through for them in what was promised, their faith became stronger for the next big challenge set before them. This is still true today for every believer. We are on a journey through life and we get to live as large (or small) as we’d like, as we partner with Him. Don’t feel adequate for the call? In the Bible, the book of Isaiah, verse 37:32 says, “The Zeal of the Lord will accomplish this.“ His “zeal”(passion, motivation, diligence, trust, courage, wisdom) is transferred to us when we pray and our “humanness” (fear, doubt, unbelief) is given over to Him, to equip us to do things beyond our natural abilities. It’s a “supernatural” thing. He put’s His “super” to our “natural” if you will. This is an exciting way for a believer to live. There are no ruts to get into, there is no being complacent, and there is no boredom. You’ll be stretched in your dreams and in your faith. You’ll grow in character, in capacity, and in humility, as you lean into God and He shows you what you’re really made of.  God loves you and is committed to you. In the book of Deuteronomy 28:8, one of the promises of God to us is; “Whatever you put your hands to will prosper”. God is on your side. He will not fail you.  He wants you to dream big, to make a mark for the better while you’re here, and to leave an imprint of His love as your legacy. #Faithwalk,#rewardscoaching,#vision#gotdreams                                  Regina Stafford


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